TAFTO 2012

TAFTO 2012 Contribution: David J. Loehr

What a treat it is to once again have a playwright as a TAFTO contributor. Every time we’re lucky enough to have one, it’s been a fantastic addition and David Loehr’s contribution is no exception. I had the pleasure of meeting David a few years ago and he’s since become one of my favorite people in the business; walking a mile in his shoes should be a required internship for any young person interested in becoming involved …

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TAFTO 2012 Contribution: Maura Lafferty

How can you not be interested in what someone with the title “Chief Happiness Officer” has to say about bringing friends to a concert? To that end, PR consultant and walking, talking, and blogging new media encyclopedia Maura Lafferty offers up a wonderfully personal and captivating contribution. ~Drew McManus When I first met Raul, I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself into. He checked me out & asked me on …

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TAFTO 2012 Contribution: Jonathan Becker

Cleveland native and current Chicago resident, Jonathan Becker (JB to those who know him), is a quintessential man about town. There’s so much I want to say about JB but every time I write something, it comes across as a spoiler for what follows. So I’m going to admit defeat and let you jump right into one of the most enjoyable TAFTO contributions to date. ~ Drew McManus My whole life, I’ve worried that my …

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TAFTO 2012 Contribution: Paul Helfrich

It’s tradition to include a contribution from an orchestra manager and one of the most difficult aspects of paring down the number of annual contributions is determining who to invite as there are so many terrific people throughout the field. But I couldn’t be happier with this year’s manager contribution from Paul Helfrich as he offers up a thought provoking piece from the perspective of someone who doesn’t always have the luxury …

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TAFTO 2012 Contribution: George Daugherty

I dare you to read George Daugherty’s contribution and not leave with a warm and fuzzy feeling. As the creator and conductor for the wildly popular Bugs Bunny on Broadway and Bugs Bunny at the Symphony programs, George relates some of his experiences in that arena but make sure to catch the final half as it’s one of the most touching and powerful contributions to date.  ~ Drew McManus For the past 23 …

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